The final Conference of the Incuba-Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 project will be held on November 20, 2020 on Zoom platform.

Starting from the sharing of the results obtained by the main organizations and projects within the Interreg Greece-Italy program, but not only, the final conference that CIHEAM Bari is organizing, intends to start a discussion on topics focused on three key words: sustainability of incubators , private funding to support incubators and their respective beneficiaries and future prospects.

After an initial opening focused on the results of the Interreg Greece-Italy INCUBA project, the webinar intends to provide new insights on the issues of financial sustainability of incubators and youth businesses thanks to the interventions of:

Marco Gay CEO of Digital Magics. Digital Magics listed on AIM Italia (symbol: DM), is the business incubator that supports startups in the Tech world with services for the enhancement and acceleration of digital business with 8 offices in Italy and 1 in London. Digital Magics, Talent Garden and Tamburi Investment Partners represent the most important national innovation hub for DIGITAL MADE IN ITALY, offering innovative startups the support to create successful projects, from conception to IPO. Digital Magics has always been a partner of excellent companies with its Open Innovation services, creating a synergistic bridge between companies and digital startups. Digital Magics’ incubation and acceleration services are active in the Talent Garden co-working campuses throughout Italy. The Company has over 60 investments in its portfolio in startups, scaleups and digital spin-offs with high growth rates. The accelerated companies are supported by the Digital Magics team, a partner with great entrepreneurial and digital experience, and benefit from both the large network of private and institutional investors that support them through “club deals”, and from the many partner companies that support them in industrial level.

Paola Bellotti of Coopfond, Director of the Sustainability, Development and Financial Instruments Area, and also deals with the manufacturing, housing and equity investments in local financial sectors. Coopfond is the mutual fund for cooperative promotion fed by 3% of the annual profits of all the cooperatives belonging to Legacoop, by the residual assets of those placed in liquidation and by operating profits. It is a SpA incorporated pursuant to law no. 59 of 31 January 1992 for the promotion and development of cooperation, giving life to a virtuous circuit capable of developing the cooperative form with resources generated within it.

Dario Montalbetti, of Genera Impresa, financial manager of Genera spa. Genera It invests in newly established entrepreneurial initiatives and in existing companies with reconversion projects, which are innovative and sustainable. Provides financial resources and development consultancy. Genera can contribute financial resources by participating in the equity of companies with minority stakes. The capital of Genera is “patient”: from time to time we agree with the team the conditions that govern our investment, with the aim of guaranteeing the company long-term growth. Furthermore – if appropriate for the success of the project – Genera will be able to provide skills, supporting its managers with those of the proposing team, to support the development of the project.

Teddy Miano, Mediterranean Innovation Hub, a public-private international center of excellence for innovation and business creation, which combines training, internationalization and open innovation. It is made up of Ciheam Bari, University of Bari, Almacube, Concooperative, Confindustria and Legacoop. The aim is to strengthen and create new professional profiles specialized for innovation (innovation Manager, innovation broker, innovation coach), to promote innovation processes for businesses through open innovation-design thinking programs and to promote internationalization.

The event will also be an opportunity to launch the INCUBA cross-border network aimed at capitalizing on the experience gained and promoting new initiatives

INCUBA – Final Conference_Agenda