On Friday July 26, a Web Meeting was organized by the Region of Western Greece within the activities of the project CROSS BORDER AGRIFOOD INCUBATORS (INCUBA). The subjectof the meeting was “Elaboration of a Study for Measures to Promote Youth Entrepreneurship in the Agri-Food Sector”.

During the meeting, Ms. Annamaria Fiore, from Apulia Regional agency for Technology and Innovation, made a detailed presentation of the study which presents financial tools and statistics related to agri-food sectorentrepreneurshipin the Regions of Western Greece and Apulia. The study in general focus on the opportunities to strengthen young entrepreneurship in the sector.

All participants stressed out the value of innovation, the enhancement of young entrepreneurship and the value of preserving traditional cultivation practices at the sector. Furthermore, ideas and suggestions will be collected for the formulation of a policy framework at regional level. On July 9, a webinar will be organized by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari regarding the strategies and the opportunities of supporting innovative SME’s and startups

In the meeting took part Mr. K. Tzamaloukas, Ms. P. Nikoloutsou and Mr. D. Klonaris (Region of Western Greece), Mr. D. Bakalis (Chamber of Ilia), Mr. Μ. Avantaggiato (Chamber of Commerce of Bari), Ms. Α. Fiore, Ms. F. Tondi and Ms. F. Barile (Apulia Regional agency for Technology and Innovation) and Ms. F. Volpe (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari).

INCUBA project, which is funded by the Interreg V-A Greece – Italy 2014-2020 Program and is part of the “Innovation and Competitiveness” Priority Axis, aims to support the creation, innovation, competitiveness and internationalization of start-ups and SMEs that are active in the agri-food sector, through the strengthening of existing and the creation of new incubators. The Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Program is 85% funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 15% through national co-financing.